Client List for 2022-2025
* Alabama Association of School Librarians
* Arlington Virginia Public Library
* Austin Public Library
* BookBreak (Subscription Author Talk Service)
* Broward County Public Library
* Dallas Independent School District
* Colorado University (Boulder)
* Genessee Country Club (Rochester NY)
* HeadStart Programs (Arkansas)
* History Book Festival (Lewes, Delaware)
* Jack and Jill (Memphis Chapter)
* JFK Library (Boston)
* King Center (ATL)
* Lausanne School (Memphis)
* Lynching Site Project of Memphis
* Maret School (Washington D.C)
* Thurgood Marshall Middle School (Nashville)
* Memphis Shelby County Schools
* Mississippi Book Festival
* Mississippi Library and Media Professionals (MS Lamp)
* Oak Hill School (Nashville)
* Oxford Conference on the Book (University of Mississippi)
* Inglewood Elementary (Nashville)
* Shenandoah University
* Society of Children's Writers and Illustrators
* State of Maryland Literacy Association (SoMLA)
* Tennessee Association of School Librarians
* Texas Book Festival
* Tucson Book Festival
* University of Texas (Austin)
* University of Memphis (Campus School)
* University of Memphis (English Department)
*Waltham School District (Massachusetts)
* Woodland Presbyterian School (Memphis)
* Yazoo County School District
Not only is Alice Faye Duncan an amazing writer, she's a phenomenal speaker. She provided a virtual author visit for 5th graders at my school and they were in awe. They enjoyed her enthusiasm and learning from her. She managed the virtual flow perfectly and tied their curriculum standard and local history to her presentation. Bonus points for getting them engaged with a song and movement to kick off the event!
-Erika Long (ALA Chapter Councilor)
"Alice Faye Duncan's enthusiasm for writing and passion for her subject matter burst through the screen and inspired students around the country to read more and write more! Her author talk was a highlight of our BookBreak line-up!" Yapha Mason (BookBreaks Operation Manager)
"Alice Duncan took our students on a journey alongside the whimsical characters in her picture book, Yellow Dog Blues. She captivates her audience through interactive chanting, rhythm, and song. Our students loved hearing an author read her stories!"
Amy Smythe (Woodland Presbyterian Elementary)
"Ms. Duncan's lively and interactive book talks never disappoint students during our monthly "King Center Reading Corner." Her inspiring words remind young learners to read books and practice kindness." --Donald Bullock (Education Program Coordinator) King Center for Non-Violent Social Change
"Alice Faye is a gifted speaker, passionate and engaging, inspirational and fun. You're never just hearing her speak - she sweeps you along for the ride and makes history as vivid and personal as if you were a part of it. With words, music, and verse, she reminds us that we are all a part of it. It's always a privilege." Emily Draffen (Events Coordinator) Novel Bookstore
Ignorance is DEADLY. The rousing movement to ban books is anti-intellectual and hinders critical thinking. These t-shirts are for readers who believe in literacy and democracy.